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Extra, extra, fish walks dog
Friday, 30 April 2004
Shameless plug: my wife's weekly radio show

For the past 2 months, my wife's internet radio stream has a weekly live interview with interesting people:

The "studio"

Radio.Goleshet.Com , each Tuesday, 21:00 Israel time (GMT+3 in the summer)

If you miss the weekly show, there are links to archived shows at the bottom of the radio page.

The shows are in Hebrew, but English speakers are invited to listen to Peter Cohen from CEDRO (the Amsterdam institute of drug research) dissecting historic constructions of suffering and exorcism.

Posted by rawfish7 at 6:50 PM EEST
Friday, 27 February 2004
Cute joke
This is being jabbered lately all around my cyberhood. Cute.

What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Princess Diana's death:
An English princess
with an Egyptian boyfriend
crashes in a French tunnel,
driving a German car
with a Dutch engine,
driven by a Belgian who was drunk
on Scottish whiskey,
followed closely by Italian Paparazzi,
on Japanese motorcycles,
treated by an American doctor,
using Brazilian medicines!
And this is sent to you by an Armenian,
using Bill Gates' technology,
and you're probably reading this on one of the IBM clones,
that use Taiwanese-made chips,
and a Korean-made monitor,
assembled by Bangladeshi workers
in a Singapore plant,
transported by lorries driven by Indians,
hijacked by Indonesians,
unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen,
trucked by Mexican illegals,
and finally sold to you by Jews.
That, my friend, is Globalization!

Posted by rawfish7 at 5:11 AM EET
Updated: Friday, 27 February 2004 5:18 AM EET
Thursday, 26 February 2004
Extra, extra, bug-fix bites dog :)
There's a new bug fix. What does it fix? That's a bit embarassing :s

The previous bug fix (the iso-8859-8-i one) worked fine on my old python 2.2 at home, but broke rawdog completely on 2.3.x (which is what people are downloading these days).

New release of dogwalker should work on all versions of python >=2 (i.e. all versions that can run rawdog anyway)

As always: If you already have a running dogwalker and you don't want to mess your config(s), don't download the whole shebang. All you need is the code.

And for those who keep asking: "Why don't YOU bloody number the vesions or something?" the answer is "I ain't getting paid for this :P". If anyone wants to manage this as a project on gna.org or whatever (or maybe even synch the project with Rawdog author Adam Sampson), you won't hear me complaining :)

Coming soon, a php solution to "wap doesn't work on tripod". Stay tuned...

Posted by rawfish7 at 3:30 AM EET
Updated: Thursday, 26 February 2004 4:43 AM EET
Tuesday, 24 February 2004
Hebrew how-to (ynet)
If you're looking for a Hebrew how-to for DogWalker/RawDog, I wrote a Hebrew article about it for Ynet.

Posted by rawfish7 at 4:48 AM EET
Sunday, 22 February 2004
At last - a howto page
It's here.

Posted by rawfish7 at 11:41 PM EET
New Israeli-Linux-patriot-proof version
There are some Israeli windows-alergic webmasters that can't get themselves to write "windows-1255" inside their RSS feeds, so they use the politically-correct synonim "iso-8859-8-i" instead of the "w word" ;)
I respect them for their heritage, but some old distros of python don't know this encoding alias, and it made rawdog break on feeds like whatsup etc. when run on Guy's PC

Anywayz - it's fixed.

If you already have a running dogwalker and you don't want to mess your config(s), don't download the whole shebang: Here's the code (and you might want the nice new html template too).

Posted by rawfish7 at 6:59 AM EET
Updated: Sunday, 22 February 2004 2:08 PM EET
Saturday, 21 February 2004
Extra, extra, fish walks dog
We (Guy and Nimrod) have created this site just as a test-case and demo of the rawdog/dogwalker web-based RSS aggregator schtick (i.e. - we needed an "expendable site" and Guy chose tripod.
Anywayz - we've found out that tripod had this instant-blog thingie (not Hebrew, but fun anyway).
So here's where we can post stuff once in a while in hopes that the rss surfaces out on various out-of-the-box dogwalker pages.
Clever little devils we are. Eh? ;)

Posted by rawfish7 at 4:15 AM EET
Updated: Saturday, 21 February 2004 10:07 PM EET

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